Welcome to the page where you can order a screening of your favorite movie at your cinema or favorite place where a film can be screened for larger groups of people as a part of the World community premiere. Hold your community premiere of The Meaning and Mystery of Life wherever you’d like and for whomever you’d like. 

  • This premiere will be available from the 23rd of November 2023 to the 5th of January 2024.

  • For this premiere, you can sell tickets or invite your friends or relatives and give them a gift of the year. 
  • After buying the license in the pre-sale through the system Artinii.Pro you will receive the first 10 minutes of the movie for your player, which will be replaced by the whole film before the premiere window.

If you’d be interested in more screenings in one location (a city etc.), please write directly to the producer and get the price calculation. The contact here: production(at)themeaningandmysteryoflife.com

If you are a distribution company dealing with distributing movies in various regions of the world and would be interested in distributing our film, please contact the producer directly by email:  production(at)themeaningandmysteryoflife.com or please use our contact forms.

The Producer reserves the right to refund the funds for the community premiere and further reserves the right to postpone the film’s premiere at its discretion. Due to distribution rights, the movie’s sales are unavailable in some regions.

Copyright © 2022 The Meaning and Mystery of Life